"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us."
Ephesians 3:20
Today's Word
God is not limited by our understanding. The dreams and desires you hold in your heart? They don’t even come close to what He can do in your life. He is able to exceed anything you can imagine—His power working through you unlocks possibilities beyond your wildest dreams. When you trust in His strength and rely on His power, there is no limit to what He can accomplish through you.
When challenges arise, remember: God is bigger than any obstacle, stronger than any setback, and more capable than you could ever imagine. His power is at work within you, bringing transformation, breakthrough, and favor. Keep moving forward with expectation, knowing that God’s plan for your life is more abundant, more blessed, and more fulfilling than anything you could do on your own.
Transformation takes place when faith steps in, trust in His ability rises, and you begin to walk confidently in the promises He has prepared. You were made for greatness, and God’s power will equip you to rise to every occasion.
Father, thank You for the power You’ve placed within me. I trust that Your ability far exceeds anything I can think or imagine. Help me to walk in the fullness of Your plan, knowing that nothing is impossible with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.